Donate Money

  • Donations from mothers with extra breast milk are needed to meet the ongoing demand for donor milk in Montana and across the country. We could not provide donor milk to babies without the time and love that donors put into donating their milk. Thank you for donating this precious life saving resources to help babies survive and thrive. We are so grateful!

  • There is an ongoing need for pasteurized donor milk to help feed babies in Montana and across the country. Your financial contributions can help the Milk Bank provide donor milk to these vulnerable babies. Donations can be made in any amount, and we are grateful for your generosity.

  • Your body may continue to produce milk after your baby passes away. It is an incredibly personal decision as to how to manage your milk while grieving your loss. You may choose to stop milk production. If you choose to pump for any length of time we accept any amount of hand expressed or pumped milk that has been stored in the freezer.